its all about sludgy, slow and heavy stuff. old or new, it stays the same...
(press the album title for download)
grief is one of the most influential bands in sludge music. keeping their raw sounds with down tuned guitars and screams full of agony. their music is highly meditative in a fucked up way.
the band was formed in 91 and split up in 2001. in 2005 they fomred up again and played few reunion shows.
>>>come to grief (1994)

>>>turbulent times (2002) - best of/compilation out on Southern Lord.
Tracks 1 & 2 off of the Dismal full length.
Tracks 4 & 6 off of the Come To Grief full length.
Track 8 off of the split with Soilent Green.
Track 3 off of the split with 13.
Track 10 off of the split

fucking nice band from chicago. they play instrumental sludge, their music can take you into a journy of soundscapes and majestic drones. worth checking, awesome album, one of 2008's finest for me...
>>>hate ashbury (2008)

this band is a "supergroup" featuring Alan dubin (vocals), Stephen O'malley (guitars), James plotkin (bass), Tim wyskida (drums). they were active from 2001-2006 in those years they put out like 11 albums (eps, live recordings...).
this is their full-length album from 2003.
>>>things viral (2003)

great band coming from the uk. if you find "eye hate god" inspiring you will love this one for sure.
i think this band is one of the best new acts coming out in 2008.
>>>moloch - s/t 10"

thanks!! will def check some of these out...
Holy Shit! Thanks for the links dood! Your Blog rules! Greetings from Indonesia.
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