This HHH retrospective was written by their guitar player Marc, for the recent double CD discography. Thanks to Luc for helping me out!
The story of the band was very simple: one day Alex, Marc and Koki decided to emulate the bands they had interviewed or reviewed in their zine, so they created a band just to play the kind of music they liked. The line-up didn't include a bass player because at that time it was impossible to find one in Banyoles who was interested in punk rock music. 8 months after the first practice, but with lots of songs - because we only played with a 2 string guitar so it was easy for all of us to make music -- we recorded the Sin Identidad demo.
HHH Personally I've always thought that this demo was one of the great releases from the incipient Spanish HC movement, especially since Koki used to practice on petrol cans and detergent boxes - that was the second time in his life playing on a real drumkit (the first one had been two months prior to that supporting Frites Modern in Barcelona). One year later we recorded the Intelectual Punks 7". The lack of record labels in Spain forced us to put it out abroad. We released the EP on Dissonance Records from Germany, at the same time GRB and L'Odi Social released their 7"s in Italy for the same reason. The new HHH songs departed from the Scandinavian HC influences and the music became faster. Moreover on that record Alex started to sing/play bass. Our idea was to make a 12-song EP but there were some problems with the length of time so finally we only included 9 songs and we kept the rest in store for a future compilation LP on the same record label, but it was never released. In that same studio session we recorded 5 extra tracks. Of all these songs only Jim was used on an excellent compilation LP against sexism, released by Nabate Records (Belgium). After a first failed attempt to record a full HHH LP, the influences of crossover and thrash metal bands led us to a more exclusive work for some years with Overthhhrow, a HC-metal project band.
In the spring of 1990 we recorded A Por Ellos... LP with an important line-up change: Koki became singer/drummer (as he used to do in Overthhhrow) and Alex concentrated all his work playing bass and his energy on stage jumping out of control and making our shows more exciting.
The songs from this LP probably stand for the genuine essence of HHH music: raw sound and maximum speed. The release of this record coincided with the beginning of the first Spanish record labels and the HC spread.
In the summer of 1991 we recorded Homo Homini Lupus, a split LP with Vitu's Dance. We worked in a different studio and we got our best production, a very powerful sound mixing speed with the metallic influences of Overthhhrow. Some years later Rumble Records reissued the 13 songs on CD format with an extra song Pesadilla, recorded to appear on a compilation that was never released (again the same old story). HHH played the last show - without knowing that would be the last one - with 24 Ideas in Barcelona in July 1993. Today, 7 years later, Alex lives in Donosti. He's a cook, he has got his own restaurant and he plays guitar in a band featuring people from other well-known punk/HC bands from Euskadi. Koki is a secondary school teacher. He has got a pair of guitars at home. He likes experimenting with old recordings and creating art/videos with HHH songs. Marc used to distribute HC stuff but 2 years ago he left it definitively. The three of us stay involved in a way or another into hardcore, at least listening to the hundreds of new bands or reading fanzines, and I know we'll be into it for a long, long time still.
Actually, every day when I drive to my work new rhythms and lyrics come to my head as it used to happen when the band was active... I guess the spirit lives on.
Marc (July 2000)
thanks to G for this one.
Cool post, this band is really great.
Las influencias de esta banda como una de las primeras en hacer hardcore en forma mas o menos estable es tremenda. Este es un gran post principalmente por la exelente banda y por la info de calidad.
Cheers from Chile!
me lo bajo! la verdad que si, bien ahi que se puso y escribio toda la informacion..
saludos de argentina!
Browse drum scores and drum music
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