Thursday, May 1, 2008

Crimpshrine - Duct Tape Soup LP

Classic punk rock band from Berkeley, California, formed in 82, this is their first LP, which includes their small releases, songs that apears on compilations and splits. Originally released in 89 on a German label, later on again in 92' on Lookout! records.

I think this one really helped define the term of "pop-punk", with many other bands from that eraly 90's scene and the East Bay area in California. also they really epitomized the DIY thing. Songs were writting mainly by the influence of drug addictions and homelessness (and surprisingly not so happy and shining like nower days pop-punk bands, however, their LP apears on my turntable at this time of the year when the sun is out).

Disband at about 89 but kept releasing splits and songs on compilations. Split into different directions but not so different after all, among other things became Pinhead Gunpowder (Green Day's Billy Joe's side project and Aaron Cometbus's - later former of No Idea record label, grate grate band), Dillinger Four, Cleavland Bound Death Sentence, Fifteen (Jeff Ott's very similar extension of Crimpshrine, also I think he is the former of Sub-City records label).

The name of the band was given to a girl they knew, she used to have crimped hair.



Zmaj said...

Hello, found your blog searching for Swarrrm blog-posts for a potential link exchange. The blog is and you're already added.

Also, directed at Anarchopie, the guy who posted Panaceja's second full length "Mrtav Život" - I've got their first full length if you want. ;)

I hope someone reads this haha.

Karl Bakla said...

I love Crimpshrine one hell of a great punk band!