BOTCH - We Are The Romans (2000)

Botch started playing back in 1993, and through their 9 years of existence they managed to release 3 LPs, 3 EPs, and 4 splits with Cave In, Murder City Devils and more. Their influence on modern hardcore is truly remarkable, and I think they never really got the respect and recognition they deserve. This one is one of my alltime favorite albums, and in my opinion their best. It got remastered and reissued this year by Hydra Head, with another CD added full of demos and live versions of the songs.
CAVE IN - Until Your Heart Stops (1999)

Cave In formed in 1995, in Methuen, Massachusetts. They released 5 LPs, 6 EPs and 4 splits, and broke up in 2006. Their members have played in many other good bands, such as Converge, Old Man Gloom, Zozobra and more.
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COALESCE - 012:2 Revolution in Just Listening (1999)

I think this is the only band in this post that's still alive. Formed in 1994, Coalesce released 4 LPs (including a Led Zeppelin covers record), 4 EPs and 5 splits with Converge, Napalm Death, Today is the Day and the Get Up Kids before splitting up in 1999. They reformed in 2005 to release another great EP, a DVD and several reissues, including this album through Relapse Records, and are now working on a new LP.
Mediafire or Megaupload
CURL UP AND DIE - Unfortunately, We're not Robots (2002)

This one is more influenced than influental. Curl Up and Die are from Las Vegas, Nevada, and play this really fun and catchy brand of mathcore. They started in 1998, disbanded in 2005 and released 2 LPs and 4 EPs during their lifetime.
i think its a shame to mantion the phrase "mathcore" and forget about the real intresting bads plying this kind of "chaotic" rock/metal/hardcore music, what about knut? and even disrythemia? don cab? oxes? i think they contributed alot to this kind of music more then cave in and all the rest.
im not judging you right. im just sayinn that for me (!) you missed the point of a "mega post" and skipped right on to the boring side of mathcore shit...
forget what i said, im stupid.
walla maybe I should have mentioned those are my personal favorite of the genre. feel free to write a part 2 man, I'd love to get to know some new bands..
We are a new band from France, started in June 2012
Please help us spread our music, we would be more than happy to be on your site!
Arnaud, Haut&Court
Hey, if you guys are interested in some Melodic tunes with breakdowns and a neglect for 4/4 timing, check out
County Drop.
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